Help With Setting Circles Crack + Free License Key Download [Latest] ============================== ?print the large 90 degree protractor to assist in making an azimuth circle. The protractor is printed over 4 sheets of paper, which you then join together to give a protractor having a radius of over 360 mm. ?print the linear strip graduated from 0 to 90 degrees. This is used for measuring altitude (if you have a Dobsonian mount, this strip can be fixed to the inside surface of the altitude pivot tube). ?If you don't have a Dobsonian mount, the protractor will print on 2 sheets of paper. The main protractor is printed on the cover sheet. The elevation protractor is printed on the inner sheet. ?The protractors are designed to be removed from the sheets by unrolling one sheet at a time. ?The main protractor is designed to be unrolled by folding the cover sheet in half (from the edge toward the centre). This is the same as the method used to unroll the aluminium tube protractors from the tube. ?The elevation protractor is unrolled by folding the inner sheet in half (from the edge toward the centre). This is the same as the method used to unroll the tube. ?All protractors can be cut with a utility knife or a standard sharp knife. ?The elevation protractor can be used to find the altitude of a (non-Dobsonian) telescope. ?The protractor can be made to a degree of accuracy which is suitable for use with telescope of diameters less than 4 inches. ?The protractor can be modified to show the altitude angle if required. ?The protractor is designed to be used with any telescope mounting and there are no special mounting requirements. ?The protractor can be used to find the bearing of any celestial object at any point on the sky. ?The protractor will hold up to 200 stars of 10th magnitude. ?The protractor will hold any celestial object at any declination, but not the equator or zenith. ?The protractor can be used with the peep hole or with a peep hole or dome. ?The protractor can be used with any telescope (without reflectors), including ones with glass, corrector lenses, or mirrors. ?The protractor can be used for any purpose, but is designed for use with an azimuth circle. ?The protractor is designed to be used on any flat surface (such as Help With Setting Circles Crack Keygen - Easy-to-use interface. You simply drag the desired start and end points for your circle and enter the height of the circle. - Prints a 90 degree protractor over 4 pages (1 per side of the normal circle). - Prints a linear strip graduated from 0 to 90 degrees on 1 side of the circle. - Routine circle creation is in seconds! - Circles can be divided and recombined into any order or combination. - As a free bonus, the computer calculates the area, volume and surface area of the circle. - The area can be divided into parts or multiplied into a series of circles to cover a very large area. Help With Setting Circles: - Circles can be drawn to different sizes and shapes. - Circles can be combined to create bigger circles. - Circles can be dragged and dropped onto a grid to quickly draw all the circles you need. - Circles can be printed on a 3mm, 5mm or 10mm circle grid. - Rotating circles is a breeze. - Drag a circle to create the perfect setting for your telescope. - Drag the handle on the corner of the circle and change the size. - Double click the circle and the area is expanded to show the area. - Drag the mouse over a grid to highlight the area. - Drag the circle to another grid position and the area is updated. - Drag the circle to change the shape. Help With Setting Circles: - Inexpensive - the program only costs $7.95. - Works on all Windows operating systems (XP, Vista and Windows 7). - Does not depend on your browser. - Circles work on every computer monitor. - You can use your own paper or our printable paper. - Circles can be printed on 3mm, 5mm and 10mm circle grids. - A 90 degree protractor can be printed over 4 pages (1 per side of the normal circle). - A linear strip can be printed on 1 side of the circle. - Rotating circles is a breeze. Review : What's new in this version: - Using the keyboard shortcut Control+C instead of right click. - Rotating circles is a breeze. - The area can be divided into parts or multiplied into a series of circles to cover a very large area. - You can't change the orientation of the circle. - You can click on the protractor to toggle between print and draw. - You can drag the circle around on the grid. - Create Circles: Version 3.7 - Circles can be dragged to any position on the grid. - You can drag the circle out to change the size. - You can drag the circle to another grid position and the area is updated 1a423ce670 Help With Setting Circles With Product Key Help With Setting Circles is a program for setting circles on Dobsonian telescopes. Help With Setting Circles will calculate the orientation of your telescope from the setting circles, and then print a large 90-degree protractor on paper. Help With Setting Circles will then print a large 90-degree protractor on paper, which is used to create azimuth circles. Help With Setting Circles will print a linear strip (to dimensions which you supply) graduated from 0 to 90 degrees. This is used to measure altitude. Help With Setting Circles can be used on any telescope without the need for a computer. Designed and written by Stewart Ellis. KEYMACRO Author: Stewart Ellis Description: Help With Setting Circles is an easy-to-use program that can help you create telescope setting circles. Help With Setting Circles will print a large 90 degree protractor to assist in making an azimuth circle. The protractor is printed over 4 sheets of paper, which you then join together to give a protractor having a radius of over 360 mm. Help With Setting Circles also prints a linear strip (to dimensions which you supply) graduated from 0 to 90 degrees. This is used for measuring altitude (if you have a Dobsonian mount, this strip can be fixed to the inside surface of the altitude pivot tube). KEYMACRO Description: Help With Setting Circles is a program for setting circles on Dobsonian telescopes. Help With Setting Circles will calculate the orientation of your telescope from the setting circles, and then print a large 90-degree protractor on paper. Help With Setting Circles will then print a large 90-degree protractor on paper, which is used to create azimuth circles. Help With Setting Circles will print a linear strip (to dimensions which you supply) graduated from 0 to 90 degrees. This is used to measure altitude. Help With Setting Circles can be used on any telescope without the need for a computer. Designed and written by Stewart Ellis. KEYMACRO Author: Stewart Ellis Description: Quick Filter - Calculates telescope position (az/el) from circles. Dimensions: Width - 600 dpi Height - 6 inches Authors: Stewart Ellis Part Numbers: Help With Setting Circles is an easy-to-use program that can help you create telescope setting circles. Help With Setting Circles will print a large 90 degree protractor What's New in the? System Requirements: Minimum: OS: OS X 10.8 or later Processor: 2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo Memory: 4 GB RAM Hard Drive: 15 GB of free space Recommended: OS: OS X 10.9 or later Processor: 2.4 GHz Intel Core i5 Standards version: Processor: 2.4 GHz Intel Core i5
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